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Archive for January, 2019

No More Star Trek Movies?? 😱

I’m mightily irked at Paramount for pulling the plug on the fourth Star Trek movie. So it didn’t make enough profit for them? Well, they sure didn’t do much to promote Star Trek ever since the reboot!  I was appalled that even at the Star Trek conventions there was little merchandise promoting the reboot. Whereas Star Wars merchandise is everywhere!  Grrrr.

I shouldn’t be surprised. Clearly Paramount’s heart has never been in it and the who-owns-what divide between Paramount and CBS hasn’t helped.

Stepping back from my own ire, it is interesting to look at the economics. This article from Forbes shows what the competition has been and where the numbers fall:

“Once Star Wars rode back into town, there was no reason for general audiences to get excited about another “new” Star Trek movie. Just as Star Trek Nemesis paled in comparison to the Star Wars prequels, the Harry Potter flicks, Spider-Man and Lord of the Rings, so too does Star Trek no longer play as an event movie alongside The Last Jedi, Avengers: Infinity War and Aquaman. But to the extent that Star Trek provided “the next best thing to Star Wars” in 2009, a follow-up to the $338 million-grossing Star Trek Beyond would be saddled with its existence both as damaged goods and merely a giant among giants, smaller than Fate of the Furious, The Last Jedi and Avengers: Endgame.”